
Rationale for Addressing Symptoms and Organ Injury in Acute Heart Failure Treatment - ESC ACCA Lisbon 2016

Published: 17 Jan 2017

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João Morais is Chief of the Cardiology Division and Chairman of the Clinical Research Centre of Leiria Hospital, Portugal. He is Past-Chair of the ESC Working Group on Thrombosis, member of the scientific committee of ESC congress (2014-2018) and also of ACCA (2014-2016) and has been a member of several task forces throughout his career [Stable Angina (2006); Antiplatelets (2011 and 2016); Anticoagulants in CV diseases (2012 -2016); Antithrombotics in Heart Failure (2012); Antithrombotics In the elderly (2015); Antithrombotics and PPIs (2013); Aspirin in primary prevention (2014) and Pregnancy and CV diseases (2016)]. He has acted as a reviewer of several ESC Guidelines (on acute heart failure; acute coronary syndromes with non ST-segment elevation; and ventricular arrhythmias). He is also the Review Co-coordinator of the document on global definition of AMI (2007, 2012).

Professor Morais has authored over 250 scientific publications and is the creator and head of the educational platform "Challenges in Cardiology". He currently serves as the President Elect of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology.