Lisa Rosenbaum's journey to medical journalism at NEJM
26: Stories to tell: Lisa Rosenbaum's journey to medical journalism at NEJM

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This week Ankur Kalra talks with Lisa Rosenbaum, national correspondent for The New England Journal of Medicine and cardiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.


Lisa Rosenbaum has been writing extensively about the human face of medicine. Her articles have been widely circulated by publications like The New York Times, The New Yorker and The New England Journal of Medicine.


In this edition of Parallax Dr Kalra asked Dr Rosenbaum about the influences that shaped her choices as a writer and as a healthcare professional. Dr Rosenbaum opens up about her childhood and how she connected to her grandfather through writing and medicine. We learn about Lisa’s first day at medical school and her latest writing project.


Tune in to learn about a doctor’s path to medical journalism.
Hosted by @AnkurKalraMD. Produced by @RadcliffeCARDIO.


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Hosted by @AnkurKalraMD. Produced by @RadcliffeCARDIO.
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Hosted by @AnkurKalraMD. Produced by @RadcliffeCARDIO.
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Hosted by @AnkurKalraMD. Produced by @RadcliffeCARDIO. 
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Hosted by @AnkurKalraMD. Produced by @RadcliffeCARDIO.
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