
Substantial progress in the treatment of atherosclerotic complications – in particular in secondary prevention – has led to a significant reduction of recurrent cardiovascular events. This has been through the use of pharmacological strategies including lipid-lowering drugs such as statins, beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting ensyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers, along with the introduction of early percutaneous coronary intervention in acute coronary syndrome with consecutive application of dual antiplatelet therapy.


Time to Act - Guideline-defined Treatment Goals for Cardiovascular Risk Factors Are Not Achieved in Primary Care


European Cardiology 2008:4(2):24-6

Menopause, Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease


US Cardiology 2008;5(1):12–4

Inflammation and Pre-atherosclerotic Changes in the Coronary Arteries of Children


European Cardiovascular Disease 2006;2(2):1–3

Preventative Medicine in Childhood and Adolescence - Looking for Atherosclerosis


European Cardiovascular Disease 2006:2(2):1–4